Sunday, November 23, 2008

Driving Us Lonely

As of November 16th 2008, the Ontario government has passed new driving laws that affect the younger generation of drivers. The law states that all drivers under the age of 21 are required to have a blood alcohol level of zero, speeding of 16 km an hour over the speed limit, will result in a license suspension for thirty days and only one other passenger is allowed in the car less than 19 years of age.

This new law that has been passed greatly goes against all other environmental laws. The government has been trying to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions to better the health of the environment, us and the entire world. I do agree that there should be strong laws placed on speeding and drunk driving, but limiting the amount of passengers to a vehicle, only creates more vehicles on the road, more greenhouse gas emissions.

Other consequences that arise from limiting the number of passengers is that this puts more vehicles on the road, diminishes the purpose of a designated driver, eliminates carpooling and many others. In today’s society where environmental ignorance is looked down upon, it is surprising to see that the Ontario government would pass a law that does not show any consideration for the environment. Carpooling and designated drivers are designed around the idea of using all seats in the car. Designated drivers are there to protect intoxicated persons from needing to drive themselves home. Most people will now recognize that they will not be able to get a ride back unless they take a taxi or bring their own car and most will probably choose the latter simply because they do not want to spend their money on taxis if they have a car. Also, students who carpool to school with friends will no longer be able to use this method because of this law. They will have to find other ways to school, which is difficult for many of them. This also includes sporting events where students need to carpool to play or cheer on a sports team.

Teenagers who live in rural areas of Ontario will be at a great problem. This new law will force many of these young people, way more than needed, to drive around to have a proper social life. This will force older drivers to drive them around instead. This will inconvenience many and cause many social interaction problems, that will cause these people stress and frustration.

Inevitably, the more cars there are on the road, the more accidents there will be. I question the reason behind this. If the likelihood of accidents rises due to the much larger amount of cars on the road, then how will this be safer for drivers?

I think the Ontario government should review the recently passed law. They should keep in mind that they are saying that people who can vote, help to decide the direction that their country will move in, cannot drive with their friends. These people cannot interact with people in a convenient manner. I think as an Ontario residence, this is unacceptable and that premier Dalton McGuinty needs to decide laws with professionalism and common sense … not by emotion.

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